Tuesday, February 6, 2007

They Don't Call it Guerrilla Marketing for Nothing

Guerrilla- (n.)
a member of a band of irregular soldiers that uses guerrilla warfare, harassing the enemy by surprise raids, sabotaging communication and supply lines, etc. - definition courtesy of http://www.dictionary.com/

In order to get a better sense of buzz marketing, I conducted a cursory search of specifically buzz marketing agencies and groups that specialize in alternative advertising. I slowly began to realize how very appropriate the term "guerrilla marketing" is. Reading over the mission or self-promotional statements of a handful of companies, I see that these groups are aggressive tactical units, seeking and destroying the last pure shreds of untouched-by-advertising time in an individual's day. One appropriately named company is "Street Attack." Amazing. If I were a brand, I would hire them too.

Upon reading the following statement by Street Team Promotion.com, I felt as though I was reading a Roman-esqe charge to the advertising troops. --

"Street Team Promotion.com provides highly customized micro-marketing campaigns for products, services and events. We bring the exposure and the results businesses need in expanding their brand and reinforcing their brand message to specific demographics effectively. We ignite a social influence that can begin in local markets and reverberate regionally and then nationally." - National Campaign Director - Street Team Promotion.com

Others were a little more internally concerned rather than imperialist. Buzzoodle seemed to be concerned with training employees and promoting positive feelings for the company, for example. Buzz marketing firms can be focused on a single target audience, and devote their existence to knowing everything about that market. Buzz Marketing Group is such a company that makes its business off of doing everything short of reading the thoughts of teenage females.

Curious about some alternative marketing agencies?
Buzz Marketing Group
Street Attack
Steet Team Promotion.com

Image from- http://www.altterrain.com/Brand_Ambassador_Marketing_Expedia.htm

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