Friday, March 30, 2007

Promoting the Blog

This time, I tried to more actively seek connections with other bloggers and their entries.

For my most recent entry about negative WOM, I posted a comment and link on the entry in the Bazaarblog that I cite. If my blog entry was being cited, I certainly would want to know about it.

After surfing the web for a blog specifically about advergames, I came across a blog entitled "Advergame Network" and looked over some of the games that had been featured in the past. I actually found a game featured on the blog that was very similar to one that I had mentioned in my entry, and therefore commented and left a link to my blog.

Lost Remote TV Blog is so cool. It was fun to read around in there. I came across an entry about MTV and other networks going towards mobile features and commented on it, left a link, and compared it to my entry on MTV's death of the Reality TV model.

My final attempt to promote my blog was to try to sign up with Now, after spending a substantial amount of time trying to determine how to sign up, I think I have it. Hopefully my future blogs will be posted to the database for other users to read.


Kim Gregson said...

great effort - 5 extra points

I love lost remote - it's a blog i try to check out a couple of times a day

Hopefully you'll get some more hits nad comments!

Kim Gregson said...

10 points each for the weeks 8 and 9

good observations about secondlife and how your company could use it

and glad to see you've fallen under the sway of advergames(g)

martijn said...

I stumbled upon your blog via Water Cooler Games and since you raved about posting links in comments, here's my link:
It's a blog about .... advergames and mostely focusses on Dutch cases. It's also all in dutch, but you can click the links and see play the games if you like.

gr. martijn